The show Pečie čele slovensko won the attention and hearts of many viewers. After the success of the books full of inspiring recipes from the first two series of this show, the fans were waiting for the third sequel.
The new baking book Pečie whole Slovakia 3 at the Bibliotéka book fair in Bratislava, the deputy general director of STVR, Igor Slanina, and the winner of the third series of the show, Tímea Strnálová, ceremoniously brought it to life.
Natacha Pacal, the professional guarantor of the show, who is a regular part of the filming of Pečia all Slovakia, could not miss the presentation of the book. He is in charge of the contestants, advises and helps them. As she revealed to us, she is in contact with some contestants even after the show. In addition, next year he is going to fulfill his dream – he opens a school.
But who does she like to bake for the most? “I have three children at home, so at home I bake the complete classics that suit the children, then at work it’s French desserts of a more complex design. For my customers as well as for my family.” she admitted in an interview for . What is her favorite dessert? And what do you think about the last shows? You will find out in the video.