What is the most effective way to whiten curtains? We ask ourselves this question several times a year, most often before the holidays. It is better not to leave the washing of curtains to the last minute and do it now. Check what to soak the curtains in before washing, so that even after many years they look like new and beautifully white.

Snow-white curtains are the best home decoration. Thanks to them, the space not only looks neat and clean, but also becomes brighter. Unfortunately, this material gets dirty quickly. Dust and dirt from the yard settles on them, which causes them to turn gray.

On the other hand, if you touch them often, stains will appear quickly. Fortunately, there are home remedies that can quickly get your curtains looking like new again.

How to return whiteness to curtains? Proven home method of washing curtains

Many people have already heard about cleaning curtains with vinegar, but its unpleasant smell forces some people to give up this method of washing the fabric. It does not mean that we now have to rely on expensive, chemical preparations from the drugstore. Just go to the pharmacy and buy regular aspirin, the price of which is about 4 EUR per pack.

White aspirin curtains? How many aspirin tablets to wash?

Aspirin has bleaching properties and is gentle on fabrics, so we don’t have to worry about damaging the fabric when washing. To prepare a cleansing “bath” for our curtain, we need two aspirin tablets for two liters of water.

  • If you have more dirty fabrics, you can reach for a large sink or throw them in the bathtub so that they are covered with water in which the tablets have been dissolved.
  • The curtains should be soaked in the solution for about 20 minutes, then put them in the washing machine and set the curtain washing program or hand wash and wash as usual. However, before turning on the “start” on the washing machine, check what cleaning recommendations the manufacturer has placed on the curtains.
  • After removing the curtains from the washing machine, it is best to immediately hang them on hooks, they will dry quickly and will not have any folds that would certainly form when drying the material in the dryer.

Many people may say that this drying method does not guarantee that the curtains will not be wrinkled. We have a solution for this too. Just fold them into squares before throwing them in the washing machine. My mom has been using this trick for years and it hasn’t let her down yet.

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