It’s difficult to get along with a mother-in-law with this name. He sees problems everywhere

by Andrea
It's difficult to get along with a mother-in-law with this name. He sees problems everywhere

Relationships with your partner’s parents can be complicated. Especially when it comes to mothers-in-law, which is completely normal (due to the generation difference, origin or upbringing, among others). There is no need to force a friendship with your husband’s mother, but it would be good to have at least a neutral relationship with her.

However, it is not always that easy. Apparently, If your mother-in-law has one of these names, it may be difficult to find a common language with her. These are problematic and conflict-prone people who see problems everywhere.

Easy life with a mother-in-law named Elżbieta? This is probably impossible, because this woman is very critical of her daughter-in-law. He believes that she raised her child very well, so there is almost no chance that she would wear his beloved’s clothes during a conflict.

Moreover, he cannot refrain from making negative comments about his daughter-in-law’s culinary skills, behavior or other issues. She knows everything best and it is difficult to meet her expectations.

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Bożena, as a mother-in-law, may seem nice and sympathetic. He really has a good heart, because he usually doesn’t want to intentionally harm his daughter-in-law, nor does he cause conflicts for any reason. However, it has another serious flaw that makes it not very well received.

The point is that Bożena loves to gossip. He has many friends to whom he tells intimate secrets about his family’s life. So you can’t count on him keeping a secret. The whole neighborhood knows everything about her relatives.

Maria is also far from being an ideal mother-in-law, as she expects both her son and his wife to spend time with her all the time.. She would like the young couple to live with her or in close proximity so that they could constantly come for visits, which can be tiring in the long run.

She may have a problem if the newlyweds want to go on holiday or work abroad, because she will feel left out. She wants their lives to revolve around her, but she doesn’t do it maliciously, but (usually) because of loneliness, Therefore, it is worth encouraging her to make friends or practice a new hobby.

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Halina also appeared on the list of the worst mother-in-law’s names. She is a resourceful woman with her feet firmly on the ground. He always has his own opinion on every topic and is not afraid to express his opinion out loud. At the same time, she doesn’t like it when someone disagrees with her.

It can be conflictual and full of prejudicesand when she feels threatened (because, for example, the son devotes most of his time to his wife and not to her), she may become angry with her daughter-in-law, accusing her of trying to take him away from her. He may also blame her for failures in the family if she acts differently than she would.


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