The government leader in the Chamber, José Guimarães (PT-CE), declared on the social network .
According to the Political Broadcast showed on Saturday, the 7th, Guimarães had already said in a closed meeting of the PT national directory that “of course” the project on the BPC would be reformulated. At the time, he said that “you can’t leave it the way it is.”
In a post this Tuesday, 10th, Guimarães said that the project on the BPC “aims to improve the benefit, combat fraud without taking away any rights of those who receive it”.
He also said that the project has the support of parliamentarians “to deepen the debate and propose the reform of the BPC, in order to provide it with greater protection of the right to benefits without any harm to the beneficiaries”.
The leader also mentioned a meeting with technicians from the Ministry of Finance, held on Monday, 9th. “Together with technicians from the Ministry of Finance, the Workers’ Party bench debated three fundamental issues: the concept of benefit, the composition of income and the prohibition of two benefits in the same family”, he wrote.
He continues: “We are studying measures to improve the bill that are capable of preventing fraud, moralizing a benefit that often, in the face of a first degree court decision, is granted to people without need.”
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The leader says that, in the case of people with disabilities, the objective is to “guarantee benefits to those who actually have disabilities”, but states that “there is a lot of fraud and distortion”. It then reinforces the intention not to take away rights.
“Far be it from us in the government to take away the rights of anyone. We want to expand rights for the most vulnerable population”, he wrote.
The deputy also said that “the debate is being distorted” and that fake news is being spread. “The same people who attack the changes we intend to make to the BPC attack the bill that provides income tax exemption for those earning up to R$5,000. They are the same ones who do not accept taxation of the super-rich”, he wrote.
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Earlier, the executive secretary of Finance, Dario Durigan, said he had heard the PT members’ concerns about the BPC and admitted the possibility of changes: “Depending on how it goes, it may be possible to make one adjustment or another so that we can unlock the vote” .