The National Consumer Secretariat (Senacon), linked to the Ministry of Justice and Public Security (MJSP), announced this Tuesday (10) the creation of a working group aimed at developing solutions to combat practices considered abusive adopted by health plans , such as the unilateral cancellation of contracts.
The group will last 60 days and will need to present a proposal to improve customer service.
Currently, 17 plan operators and four health associations are facing administrative processes, which will be suspended while the working group is in force.
However, if irregularities persist, the processes will be resumed, which may result in sanctions for the companies involved.
Among the problems found by Senacon are:
- Insufficiency of proof regarding the transparency of information to the consumer about the possibility of unilateral termination after 12 months of the contract term;
- Insufficient proof of effective communication to consumers of cancellations, as well as compliance with legal deadlines;
- Insufficiency of proof of availability of information on assistance and options to the consumer regarding portability;
- Insufficiency of proof regarding the non-unilateral cancellation of the contract, for consumers who are undergoing medical treatment;
- Insufficiency of proof whether the modifications to hospital networks were made in compliance with current regulations, mainly respecting the minimum radius of service distance;
- Increase in complaints about contractual changes and terminations without prior notice;
- Lack of transparency regarding the possibility of unilateral cancellation after 12 months of contract;
- Insufficient communication about cancellation deadlines and procedures;
- Lack of adequate assistance for consumers undergoing medical treatment or who desire portability;
In addition to health plan operators, representatives from the Brazilian Association of Health Plans (Abramge), the National Supplementary Health Federation (FenaSaúde), the Brazilian Institute of Consumer Policy and Law (Brasilcon) and the Brazilian Institute of Consumer Protection (Idec).
A CNN contacted Abramge and FenaSaúde and is awaiting a response.