Recaptured another fugitive from Jewish valley. Only two

by Andrea
Recaptured another fugitive from Jewish valley. Only two

ZAP // SNCGP / Facebook

Recaptured another fugitive from Jewish valley. Only two

The Judicial Police (PJ) recaptured Tuesday in Italy, Shergili Farjiani, one of the five fugitives of the Vale de Jews prison and the third to be caught, after Fábio Loureiro and Fernando Ferreira.

It was recaptured in Italy one of the evaded of.

The operation that allowed the detention of Shergili farjiani took place in the city of Paduain the north of Italy.

In a statement, the PJ said that the capture of 40 -year -old Shergili Farjiani resulted from “a persistent, complex and uninterrupted research work and information collection.”

“The police operation had the collaboration of the Italian authorities To recapture this Georgian citizen With extensive criminal career, such as violent theft crimes and falsification of documents, ”read it.

The PJ stressed that it fell on this evaded Georgian “a warrant of European detention issued by the competent judicial authority, consisting of red news in Europol.”

The Vale de Jewish escape in Alcoentre, in the municipality of Azambuja, involved five prisoners, two of them already recaptured: in October, and in November.

After the capture of Shergili Farjiani, a citizen of Argentina remains in the flesh Rodolf José Lohrmannand one from the United Kingdom, Mark Cameron Roscaleer.

Fábio Loureiro was the first Of the five fugitives to be, on October 7th. Also known as Fabio “Gypsy”, the 33 -year -old man was sentenced to 25 years, for minor trafficking crimes, criminal association, extortion, laundering of capital, injury, qualified theft, resistance and coercion on employee and driving without qualification legal.

Fernando “Careca” followedin the midst of November, the other Portuguese of the “group”. The 61 -year -old had been sentenced to 25 years for crimes of drug trafficking, criminal association, theft, theft and abduction. It was caught in a village in.

Now it was the turn of Shergili farjiani40, who had been sentenced to 7 years for theft crimes, violence after subtraction and falsification of documents.

“It was not in the escape menu”

As the SIC journalist, Luís Maia, explained, based on what is said in the “prison medium”, Farjiani would not be in the “Menu da Fuga”.

Georgiano’s prisoner has taken advantage of the gap granted his companions to escape the prison, but not having the same resources as the remaining: “He will have seen the others run away and the staircase against the wall and took the ride to leave ”.

As such, Luís Maia considers that, after the Portuguese, this would be the most natural order of recapture.

Just two missing:

  • The Argentine Rodolf José Lohrmann59, who served a penalty of 18 years and 10 months for the crimes of criminal association, theft, theft, false statements and laundering of capital.
  • and the British Mark Cameron Roscaleer39, who was sentenced to 9 years for hijacking and theft crimes.

This escape led the Ministry of Justice to advance with the opening of nine cases, aiming at the former director, the head of the Guard and seven prison guards, a decision that resulted from the recommendations of the report prepared by the Audit and Inspection Service (Sai) Directorate-General for Reinsertion and Prison Services (DGRSP).

In a statement released in October, the Ministry of Justice also highlighted the opening of two autonomous inquiries: one relative to the commissioner of the prison, the “lack of realization of a security measure and on a situation of extended absenteeism”, and the other to the direction security services “to evaluate their functioning and the ability to respond to situations of this nature”.

It was also issued to the competent certificate entities to investigate disciplinary responsibilities in relation to GNR military on “the conditions under which they were assigned, without permission, the images of events in the prison of the Jewish Valley to the Communication.

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