Spirits rose in the ‘Secret Story’ house on the night of Tuesday, December 10th, between competitors Maycon and Diogo Alexandre.
The conflict began when Renata decided to vent to her boyfriend about what her colleague Diogo Alexandre told her. Maycon was quite irritated and, after asking him to put a ‘brake’ on the Sintra competitor, he confronted the housemate with whom he has animosity.
“This Diogo scatters, I swear”the competitor began by saying that she has ‘threatened’ to leave the game, as she is on a mission. “She came to my side and said ‘Oh Renata, is this really serious?’ (…) and then ‘Ah, if you leave, I’ll leave too’…”he said.
The competitor from Nazaré was elated by the words that Diogo Alexandre said to Renata and, moments later, left some warnings for her.
“Bitch, please stop, okay? I’m messing with you bro, I swear. You came to Renata and said ‘If you’re going to give up, I’m going to give up too’, no idea!”these. “That was on my thong!”Diogo Alexandre immediately reacted.
In a louder tone, Maycon once again asked Diogo Alexandre for restraint in his interventions with Renata: “I’m tired of you, brother, I’m so fed up! It’s already been understood not to get involved in the rubbish of the relationship and yet he’s going to send this laracha and now ‘it’s gone my way’, wake up to life, become a man! You can not be present and continue messing up other people’s relationships.”he added, abandoning the conversation.