The unexpected visit of a rare bird that traveled from Germany to Portugal

by Andrea
The unexpected visit of a rare bird that traveled from Germany to Portugal

The hermit ibis bird that was once at risk of extinction was seen at the mouth of the River Minho.

The hermit ibis bird that was once at risk of extinction was seen at the mouth of the River Minho.

One of the most endangered birds in the world, the hermit ibis, was seen in Portugal, at the mouth of the River Minho, close to the border with Spain.

This bird has already been classified as “in critical danger of extinction” in the 1990s, but it is being “reborn” in Europe.

The hermit ibis that was seen at the mouth of the Minho river in Caminha, district of Viana do Castelo, would have been born in captivity, in Halle Zooin Germany, in May 2023.

This information was revealed to the Spanish newspaper by specialist Manu Sobrino Senra, author of the Facebook page El Naturalista Cojo, where he publishes a photo of the bird.

The rare bird had already been sighted last October, in the area of Estoi, in Faroafter being released by those responsible for the zoo in March this year, in the Cádiz area, Spain.

“I’ve been walking around the Minho estuary for a few days and It’s the first time you let yourself be seen here”, highlights Manu Sobrino Senra.

“AND a young specimen because it has a lot of feathers on its face and brown feathers on its large internal coverings”, the specialist also points out.

This rare bird was also spotted in the area of ​​Pias, O Rosal, in Pontevedra, according to the Baixo Minho Naturalist Association (Anabam).

“The fact that you grew up in a zoo, in close contact with human beingscould be the cause of the trust behavior observed these days in Baixo Minho, where we saw it from the roofs of houses to private gardens, and even the roadside”, highlights Senra in a Facebook post.

The author of the page El Naturalista Cojo also reveals that this proximity to the road is “very dangerous” for the animal, highlighting that was about to be run over.

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