There are 45 thousand broken computers in schools. Problem: exams will be digital

by Andrea
There are 45 thousand broken computers in schools. Problem: exams will be digital

There are 45 thousand broken computers in schools. Problem: exams will be digital

The government allocated a budget of R$10 million to replace the equipment. But he should no longer be able to do this before the test tests in February.

“Schools reported the need to repair or purchase 45,024 computers,” he told the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation.

The Ministry further explains that school directors had until October to report equipment that was damaged or unusable. Now, the government will allocate a budget of R$10 million to repair this material. But there is a problem.

According to the president of the National Association of School Directors (ANDE), Manuel Pereira“execution implies going to public purchases. We have to fulfill a very bureaucratic model, with deadlines, which requires authorizations and specifications. And schools do not have professionals with legal knowledge. We always take risks.”

Basically, the material may not arrive in time for the exams. The test tests, starting in February, are aimed at students who will take digital tests at the end of the academic year.

Cloud JN, Amandio Azevedodirector of the Joaquim de Araújo group, in Penafiel, assured that he has already received around 8,500 euros to invest in digital material, and that students from priority groups, who benefit from Social Action, with digital manuals or who will take digital tests, They already have all the equipment. “I’m starting to believe in digital schools”, he comments.

The president of the National Association of Directors of Groups and Public Schools (ANDAEP), Filinto Limaexplained that “there was a change in policy”: instead of distributing the material to each school, each one receives a state funding to purchase the equipment.

Now, the government ended up suspending the taking of tests in digital format due to network access failures and the lack of equipment for around 13 thousand students.

This year, all national competitions 9th year will be done in digital format, with the exception of mathematics, which will have a hybrid format, with some exercises on paper.

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