This week, the 3rd edition of Cartografias da Violência na Amazônia was published, a research project that analyzes data on crime, illegalities and public security in the region, prepared by the Brazilian Public Security Forum (FBSP) in partnership with Instituto Mãe Creole (BMI). The survey provides data on Acre and other states in the Legal Amazon.
Among the questions presented is the number of lethal violent deaths in the 2021-2023 period.
The death rate in Acre is still considerable/ Photo: Reproduction
The State presented a 9.7% reduction in the rate of intentional violent deaths between 2022 and 2023, reaching an average rate of 25.8 per 100 thousand inhabitants in 2023, the lowest mortality rate among the states in the Legal Amazon, highlights the study.
“Despite this positive result, analysis by municipality shows that violence is distributed quite heterogeneously across the territory. Considering the average rate over the last three years, the rates range from 5.0 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants in Santa Rosa dos Perus to 57.9 per 100,000 inhabitants in Brasileia”, he adds.
The study also points out that, as it is in a border area, Acre faces a delicate situation in terms of violence.
“First of all, it is worth highlighting that Acre borders Peru and Bolivia, two cocaine producers and countries heavily targeted by drug trafficking, as they are foreign territories that have, respectively, the second and third largest planting coverage of coca on the planet, second only to Colombia. This factor makes them fertile ground for the illicit activities of criminal organizations, especially drug and weapons trafficking”, he adds.
Most violent cities
Proportionally, Brasilia it was the most violent city in the period from 2021 to 2023, with an average MVI (Intentional Violent Deaths) rate of 57.9 per 100 thousand inhabitants.
City of Brasiléia/Photo: Reproduction
“Brasileia is a city that suffers from conflict between rival factions: on the one hand, the Red Command, which dominates almost the entire state; on the other, B13, which has the support of the PCC. The conflict between criminal groups has resulted in many homicides. The region is seen as strategic for drug trafficking, but also for human trafficking and smuggling between Bolivia and Brazil, having been the subject of an event on the topic in October 2024, between representatives of the governments of both countries ”, he points out.
Assis Brazilneighboring Brasileia, came in second place, with an MVI rate of 49.6 in the three-year period.
Assis Brasil is also a border city/Photo: Reproduction
“Like Brasileia, it is considered an important route for transnational crimes on the triple border between Brazil, Peru and Bolivia. The city is currently monopolized by the Red Command, but until recently it was the subject of dispute between different criminal groups”, he adds.
The study shows concern about the threat that the factions pose to indigenous people, riverside dwellers and extractivists in the region:
“The influence of Comando Vermelho, which has control of most of the state, has only grown, which has become a threat to indigenous, riverside and extractive peoples in the region, who suffer from the enticement and oppression of organized crime in their territories. .”
In 3rd place comes Senator Guiomardwith 40.4 deaths for each group of 100 thousand inhabitants in the 2021-2023 period.
Senador Guiomard is located 24 km from Rio Branco/Photo: Reproduction
“In this case, the evidence indicates that it is a municipality whose monopoly belongs to Comando Vermelho, which seems to explain the 42.8% reduction in the MVI rate between 2022 and 2023. Still, when considering the three-year rate, the city is among the three most violent in the state in the period”, he explains.
No ranking, Epitaciolândia comes in 4th place, with a mortality rate of 39.3 per 100 thousand inhabitants.
City of Epitaciolândia/Photo: Gleilson Miranda/Government of Acre
“It is the fourth most violent city in the state. Neighboring Brasileia, it also borders Bolivia and has seen the growth of lethal violence in the last three years. It is one of the few cities in the state where the CV has not become hegemonic and suffers from conflicts between criminal factions”, says the study.