José Sena Goulão / Lusa
The Minister of Culture, Pedro Adão e Silva
Pedro Adão e Silva did not like what Dalila Rodrigues said in Parliament and returned criticism because of the choice of Nuno Vassallo e Silva.
The Ministry of Culture on November 29th president of the board of directors of the Fundação Centro Cultural de Belém (CCB), Francisca Carneiro Fernandes.
Francisca Carneiro Fernandes was dismissed on the eve of completing one year as president of the CCB Foundation, a position for which she had been chosen by the former Minister of Culture, Pedro Adão e Silva.
To his place was appointed Nuno Vassallo and SilvaSecretary of State in the Government led by Pedro Passos Coelho.
On Wednesday, the Minister of Culture, Dalila Rodrigues, accused in parliament his predecessor, Pedro Adão e Silvahaving made a “assault on power” at the Belém Cultural Center, ensuring “that cronies are over in that institution.”
“The cronies, ‘lobbies’ and wedges that led to the creation of the current CCB team are over. Dismissed as she is, exonerated as she is, removed as her president is, is, evidently, the approach to this assault on power, assault on the CCB, which is absolutely unacceptable under the terms in which it was carried out by the former Minister of Culture, Doctor Pedro Adão e Silva”, stated the minister during the hearing, at the request of the PS and BE parliamentary groups, about the “new direction” for the CCB, the dismissal of its director and the Government’s political options for this institution.
For Dalila Rodrigues, this new stance by the Ministry of Culture stems from a “new cycle”, which “implies new methodologies and new approaches”, namely “expression of interests” and “opening of competition”.
Regarding the expressions of solidarity towards Francisca Carneiro Fernandes by artists, entities and personalities linked to the sector, the minister stated that “they are extremely extraordinary”.
“I myself, when I was dismissed from the management of the [Museu] National Institute of Ancient Art, in 2007, I had the pleasure of seeing my work widely recognized and the protest movement widespread”, said the minister, regretting not having seen the support of CCB workers for “the two workers who were dismissed so that the collaborator Aida Tavares” began her activities at that institution, “through a process that was not at all transparent”.
“It’s really obvious, but it’s so obvious that it becomes incomprehensible, so to speak, let it be the Socialist party a raise questions”, he added.
Former minister reacts
Pedro Adão e Silva has always remained silent since he stopped being Minister of Culture, because he thinks that this should be the stance of former rulers.
But, being directly affected by these statements from his successor, he decided to break his silence. React with “great indignation” because they are statements “false and very very serious“. He was “very serious, insulting and false“.
The former Minister of Culture said that this hearing, after an “escape” by the minister to questions from journalists and deputies, showed a Dalila Rodrigues “insecure and no work to present.”
Adão e Silva thinks that the minister said what she said at the suggestion of a communications agency. “That came prepared, rehearsed.”
“I don’t remember a minister attacking his predecessor in this way, without saying exactly what he is saying. One accusation of assault on power is a very serious accusation”, warned on .
The former minister assures that his stance at the Ministry of Culture was precisely the contrary: appointments based on professional skills, and not due to party connections.
A choice of Nuno Vassallo e Silva deserved remark: “It is a little strange that someone who accuses others of assaulting power, of collusion, of wedges, now chooses a former member of a PSD government, but whose specialty is very similar to the minister: goldsmith and jewelry“, accused Pedro Adão e Silva.
Nuno Vassallo e Silva has a PhD in Art History and was director of the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, the S. Roque Museum and General Director of Cultural Heritage.
“The accusations made against me apply to this case”, reinforced the former minister.