Christmas is coming, and while your home is already smelling of candy and breathing holiday decorations, the Christmas cactus seems to be in a completely different mood. Instead of the expected flowers, he still shows you only green leaves, as if he didn’t even remember Christmas. However, you don’t have to despair. The Christmas cactus has its own specific rules to bloom, and as it turned out, our grandmothers mastered them perfectly.
A week until Christmas and instead of the expected flood of colorful flowers, your Christmas cactus is decorated with only green leaves. A situation that can disappoint any plant lover. The Christmas cactus has a reputation for being an undemanding houseplant, but it needs more than just watering and a place on the windowsill to flourish. Our grandmothers had a secret recipe that could coax flowers from even the most stubborn plants. So how do you make your Christmas cactus bloom?
On video from Ohio Tropics Houseplant Care for reasons why your Christmas cactus isn’t blooming, check out YouTube:
Source: Youtube
How to wake up a Christmas cactus
The Christmas cactus comes from rainforests where dry and wet seasons alternate. You can also simulate this natural cycle at home and make the plant bloom. The trick is to alternate watering, temperature and light correctly.
About two months before Christmas, it is important to reduce watering and move the plant to a cooler place. Grandmothers knew that the cold is key for the Christmas cactus. Low temperatures of around 15°C together with limited light trigger the process of bud formation.
“There are several varieties of Christmas cacti and they have slightly different flowering times. Those with white, pink, or even red flowers bloom right around Christmas. Orange and dark burgundy are later and can bloom until Easter,” notes gardener František Hlubocký.
Ideal conditions for flowering
Christmas cactus needs short days and long nights. To stimulate flowering, you can cover the plant with a dark cloth so that it has at least 12 hours of darkness every day. As soon as the first buds appear, it is time to move the cactus back to a bright place. However, the heat must not be too intense, as sudden changes in temperature could damage the buds. If you find that the Christmas cactus still shows no signs of flowering, try another grandmother’s tried-and-true trick, add a little milk to the dressing. This natural fertilizing miracle will supply the plant with the necessary nutrients and support the formation of flowers.
What to do when the buds fall off
Sometimes, however, it happens that the plant produces buds, but they soon fall off. The cause is usually stress from insufficient care or too frequent handling of the flower pot. Christmas cactus does not like to be moved frequently, especially during bud formation.
So the key to success is a stable environment. If the buds start to fall, check that the plant is not at risk of drafts and, if necessary, also adjust the watering. Also pay attention to the air humidity. The plant will appreciate occasional misting or placing a bowl of water near the pot.
The magic of the Christmas cactus
The magic of the Christmas cactus is its ability to brighten your home with color when the weather is gray outside. In order for it to bloom just at Christmas, it is necessary to imitate its natural conditions. Cold, limited light and proper watering will get it in shape.
With the proven tricks of our grandmothers, such as adding milk to the dressing or a dark regime before flowering, you will bring even a recalcitrant plant to bloom, so do not be afraid. This year, you won’t have to deny yourself the sight of the blossoming Christmas cactus either.