A trio of thieves, made up of two men and a woman, stole wires and cables from the public network this Sunday morning (15). The crime took place on Avenida Santos Dumont, next to the Catholic Church of São Sebastião, in the municipality of Epitaciolândia, in the interior of Acre.
Homeless residents steal wires from public roads in the interior of Acre. Photo: ContilNet
Residents of the region caught the theft and filmed the action to serve as evidence when seeking police support at the police station. In the video, it is possible to clearly see who those involved are and also how they climbed and cut the electricity wires, as well as telephone and internet cables.
One of the men, wearing a football team’s shirt, even sat on the wiring to cut it, while the other, below, collected the material, separating and organizing it to take to scrapyards. Copper, easily sold in these places, became a great source of profit, especially for drug addicts.
Group consists of two men and one woman. Photo: ContilNet
Residents complain that most crimes have occurred during the day and, even so, neither the Civil Police nor the Military Police are able to reduce criminal actions. The damage, according to them, is incalculable.
When homeless people are arrested, the courts often suspend proceedings and close the cases, as the majority are considered unaccountable.