The second special plantation The Farm 16 was formed last Saturday night (14). Gilsão, Gui, Juninho e Vanessa compete for public preference, with elimination scheduled for next Monday (16).
On Friday (13), the team participated in the last test to define which pedestrians would command the future hot seats of the season.
After four stages, they won and were able to choose who they wanted to face.
*The official vote for the second special farm on the TVRecord will only be available after presenter Adriane Galisteu announces the result on Sunday night (15).
Take part in the poll CNN and vote for who, in your opinion, deserves to continue on the program. Voting will be available until moments before participants are eliminated.
Poll A Fazenda 16: who do you want to save in the second Roça Especial
Vote for who you want to stay on the reality show
- Gilson de Oliveira
- Gui Vieira
- Juninho Bill
- Vanessa Carvalho
is shown from Monday to Saturday, at 10:30 pm, and on Sundays, at 10 pm, on Record TV.
And more – remember the participants of A Fazenda 16
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Teacher and influencer Camila Moura was the first confirmed among the participants of A Fazenda 16 • Record TV/Reproduction
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Football player Zé Love, who previously played for Palmeiras, will also be in the new season • Record TV/Reproduction
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Actor Sidney Sampaio, known for acting in the soap opera “Alma Gêmea”, was confirmed in the cast of A Fazenda • Record TV/Reproduction
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Gilson de Oliveira, ex-affair of Gracyanne Barbosa, is a personal trainer and bodybuilder and will also be part of the program • Record TV/Reproduction
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Presenter Flor Fernandez, who has already been part of the presentation of the program Fofocalizando, on SBT, will also be one of the people on A Fazenda 16 • Record TV/Reproduction
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Former Panicat Babi Muniz was another confirmed for the new season of A Fazenda • Record TV/Reproduction
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Suelen Gervásio is confirmed in the cast of A Fazenda 16 • Record TV/Reproduction