MoveEdu, an education holding company founded by Rogério Gabriel, is expected to earn more than R$650 million in 2024. But , born in São José do Rio Preto, in the interior of São Paulo, started well before that and went through many obstacles – one of them even led him to bankruptcy.
Rogério was born into a family of entrepreneurs. “My grandfather left the field to start a business and my father is also an entrepreneur. So I listened to this my entire childhood and was greatly influenced”, says Rogério Gabriel in an interview with the podcast . But, for the sake of his relationship with his family, when he decided to undertake his own business, Rogério preferred to follow a new path.
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After studying about , the executive went to work at one to computerize the company. And, from there, he was inspired to create a company to operate in this field. Precision Informática was born in 1990. “With the focus of bringing computerization to companies and, mainly, – a sector that I already knew”, he says.
There he began his first learning experience: it is important to arrive in a sector early, but not too early. “In 1990, agribusiness had not yet undergone professionalization. I got some clients but it was very difficult to overcome that first barrier”, he recalls.
The business’s first change of direction was to migrate to selling computers. “The market was closed. There were two brands of computers – both very expensive. With the opening, we started importing computers”, he states. The company had 10 megastores in Brazil. “It was a place for customers to test products,” he says.
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Change of focus
The company was an average size when two factors changed: the product became commodity and large e-commerce sites emerged. “To stay in the game, we would have to grow a lot and gain in volume. But, in 1997, there was no risk capital in Brazil”, he states. The company was managing its cash flow, but the accounts were not closing.
The solution was to create a parallel business, training micro and small entrepreneurs. To find out more details about the company’s history and learn about its strategy for the future, see the full episode published last Friday (13) on . The program is available in its podcast version on the main streaming platforms such as , , , , and .
About From Zero to Top
O podcast From Zero to Top is a production of InfoMoney and brings, every Friday, the story of prominent women and men in the Brazilian market to tell their story, sharing the biggest challenges faced along the way and the main strategies used in building the business.
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The program has already received names such as the founder of Brisanet; , from Grupo Simpar; founder of XP Investimentos; , chairman of Cogna; co-founder of the Supley Group; CEO and founder of 3tentos; CEO of Rei do Mate; one of the founders of Mercado Livre; the businessman; , founder and CEO of Cobasi; executive responsible for Renner’s rise; and told dozens of success stories.
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