Simple technique that shouldn’t hurt. There is no limit to nasal washing during the day, explains osteopath Gonçalo Trafaria.
A nasal wash, like other washes, it should be a routine for any adult. And what about babies?
Mothers and fathers often have this question: should they wash a newborn’s nose from the inside? If yes, how and how often?
Physiotherapist and osteopath Gonçalo Trafaria responds on the B. Braun podcast: “Nasal washing can be performed from the first day of the baby’s life”.
It may seem doubtful, but nasal washing can be done right on the day of birth… as long as it is done carefully and is comfortable for the newborn (and the parents).
The expert suggests do not always wash in the same room of the house, hug the child with a towel for greater safety and – later – allow the child to imitate the technique in their toys, facilitating a more natural relationship with the procedure.
E how many times? “There is no limit of nasal washes during the day”, explains Gonçalo. The amount of secretions defines the number of times you wash your nose.
Furthermore, the professional makes it clear that nasal washing “is a relatively simple and that it shouldn’t hurt”.
With autumn ending and winter (and the cold) approaching, it is natural to think more often about washing your nose; but there is no specific time of year for washing.
Yes, no Winter nasal washing “becomes urgent It is essential to carry out, but there are other moments throughout the year when nasal washing is essential”.
During the Summer, for example, the air conditioning cause nasal dryness and “ask” for washing.