Beetroot will melt in your mouth: An unexpected addition during cooking will change its taste

by Andrea

Beetroot is one of those vegetables that are not only versatile, but also very tasty. But it’s good to know how best to modify it to make it even better. It is not such a science, there is even a simple trick that turns beets into the greatest delicacy when cooked.

The sweet taste with the earthy notes that we associate with root vegetables is the perfect combination that beetroot offers us quite automatically. But what if we made it even better? Just a little bit and you won’t believe that it’s an “ordinary” beet.

You can also see the instructions for the best boiled beets on the YouTube channel Toprecepty:

Source: Youtube

Respect the vegetables

When cooking each type of vegetable, we should follow special procedures to ensure its best taste and consistency. If we’re going to focus on the beetroot, it’s good to know that we shouldn’t remove the top layer before cooking if you want the skin. Why? It is she who keeps most of the nutrients inside the tuber. D

but it is true that even if it will take a little longer, it is always better to cook the beet whole and cut it afterwards. The reason is the same – we don’t want the nutrients to be washed into the water without any use. And finally: never cook beets in salted water, or you won’t get a soft taste. The salt causes it to harden and there is no going back.

An unexpected ingredient

All these rules apply in general to any cooking of this type of root vegetable, however, if we want an even more interesting flavor from the beet, we can use an unexpected addition that will bring quite a new dimension to the plate, especially in the case that you want cooked beet later use for preparing salads.

Support her sweetness

As previously mentioned, beetroot is naturally mildly sweet. In order to further support and emphasize this characteristic of its taste, we can add a teaspoon of high-quality honey or a pinch of cinnamon to the water during cooking.

Does this seem like a very adventurous idea? Maybe so, but what is certain is that it definitely works and it would be a shame not to try this little trick. It is honey and cinnamon that highlight the undertones in the taste of beetroot, which we probably wouldn’t even notice otherwise.

In a salad or with meat

If you prepare beets in this way, you can successfully use them in salads or add them to meat when baking. Here too, it will do more than good service, because the resulting dish will get a quite different, unexpectedly pleasant and delicate taste.

Something to preserve the color

In addition to honey and cinnamon, there is another option, completely different, but just as successful in the end. These are acids that will contribute to even greater preservation of the beet’s beautiful red-wine color, and will also emphasize its sweetness. We can use a teaspoon of vinegar, or even better, lemon.

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Beet with orange?

Those who want to really win with the preparation of beets and strum the delicate strings of flavor nuances, use a teaspoon or two of orange juice in the water. Clove goes well with orange, so there is no reason not to use it. The delicate and distinct taste of beet (don’t worry, it won’t taste like vinegar or orange) will surprise you and you’ll never want to cook it any other way.

Health first

Why should we even concern ourselves with the preparation and especially the consumption of beetroot? It’s simple – each such bulb contains a lot of vitamins, especially A, C and K, but also antioxidants and other health-promoting substances. We can also rely on its detoxification abilities. And that’s certainly not enough.


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