Despite not being the first to reach such a figure, Englishwoman Lily Phillips is in the news for having had sexual relations with one hundred men in one day. In the buoyant years of pornography there were actresses who far exceeded this number, and none transcended public opinion. Phillips’ record is accompanied by a documentary (more like a report) recorded by the youtuber Josh Pieters. , and it is one of the rare cases in which the journalist treats a porn actress as a human being. Pieters interviews Phillips before and after the challenge; While this is happening, he interviews some participants who do not want to be recognized. They enter the event room; The cameraman has a deep, guttural retch as he smells those hundred stained handkerchiefs.
At the end of the day, Lily breaks down crying, and she doesn’t know why. He lies to himself—and lies to us—saying that he fears he has disappointed his fans. She also says that she has felt like a prostitute, perhaps without realizing that a prostitute is someone who sleeps with men for money. He tells the camera that they have not respected the limits, that they have complained about not being able to ejaculate in those five minutes, that a few have splashed sperm in his eyes (they are red, in fact). They have done what whoremongers do: dehumanize a woman during an intimate act with the excuse that they have paid for it. And Phillips, who clearly is not the brightest chickpea cooked, can’t even smell what we all see. . His fantasy, in this case subordinated to his economy, was the typical exaggeration of a day of dog hunger. It was saying “I would eat an ox” and forcing you to eat a whole ox, without getting up, because your income depends on it, while they push you, demand that you eat faster (or slower), and no one cares about the pain or for the consequences. This without going into the comments that the event has sparked, all focused on punishing this woman who “has gotten what she deserved.” She has now announced that she will sleep with a thousand men in one day. You can save someone from an accident, but you can’t save someone from their own stupidity.