In the past, the gooseberry currant, commonly called gooseberry, was much more popular than today, which is a pity. The plant has been cultivated in Poland for years to collect its fruits to create delicious preserves. The berries are green, yellow or reddish in color and are often covered with hairs. In some varieties, the skin remains smooth and shiny. The nutritional values of gooseberries and their wide use in the kitchen should convince everyone that it is worth eating.
Few people eat it regularly, so few people know whether gooseberries are healthy. Meanwhile, this one of the most underrated fruits. It provides 20 times more vitamin C than an orange. It is a strong antioxidant that protects against the harmful effects of free radicals. This is not the only antioxidant found in gooseberries – ellagic and coumaric acid should also be mentioned.
The nutritional value of gooseberries also includes numerous minerals, including: iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and manganese and vitamins (except C, also A, E and those from group B). The composition of the fruit contains: dietary fibersupporting the maintenance of proper microflora and intestinal function. All these substances translate into the valuable health-promoting properties of gooseberries.
Even though you already know that gooseberries are healthyit is worth learning about its health-promoting effects. The properties of the fruit include primarily:
- positive effect on the digestive system – dietary fiber improves digestive processes, preventing constipation and flatulence. They have a diuretic and choleretic effect and relieve inflammation of the intestines and stomach. They take care of the intestinal microflora, accelerate metabolism, fill you up for longer, are low-calorie and have – that’s why they are great to eat on a slimming diet,
- strengthening immunity – gooseberries, which contain a large dose of vitamin C, but also other vitamins and antioxidants, strengthen the body’s reaction in the event of an infection or cold. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, so it relieves sore throats and chronic coughs.
- nervous system support – large amounts of magnesium and B vitamins calm down, reduce stress and improve memory and concentration,
- appearance improvement – antioxidants, in addition to their anti-cancer properties, delay the aging process of the skin, nourish it, improve its color and condition,
- support for the functioning of the visual organ – lutein, contained mainly in the flesh and peel of gooseberries, protects the eyes against UV radiation and prevents the development of many diseases, e.g. macular degeneration,
- strengthening joints and bones – calcium and magnesium help prevent osteoporosis and accelerate recovery from fractures. Moreover, regular consumption of gooseberries relieves inflammation associated with degeneration and severe pain associated with gout,
- preventing acidification – fruits help maintain the acid-base balance of the body,
- support for proper heart function – gooseberries have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, regulate blood pressure, reduce high cholesterol levels, and make blood vessels more elastic.
Gooseberries can be eaten raw, dried, candied or processed in yet another way. Some people like to eat it fresh as a healthy snack, but the vast majority of people use it to prepare supplies for the winter.
Gooseberries have many uses in the kitchen. It is possible to prepare drinks based on it (incl juices, compotes, tinctures, cocktails). It’s also universal ingredient or decoration for desserts and cakes. What gooseberry preserves come out the best? It’s worth betting on jamwhich is an ideal spread for sandwiches, crepes, pancakes, crumpets and waffles.
Homemade gooseberry jam
- 5 kg of gooseberries,
- 1.5 – 2 kg of sugar,
- 2-3 packages of gelling sugar (or as much as the sugar to fruit ratio on the package),
- juice of 1 lemon,
- 5 tablespoons of honey.
Rinse the gooseberries twice under running water. Remove the stems and place the fruit in a deep pot. Cook over low heat – so that the gooseberries do not burn (you can add about 100 ml of water). Then add the sugar and stir until it dissolves completely and boils. In the meantime, use a spoon to remove the foam that will form on the surface.
Cook the jam for 10-15 minutes until the fruit is completely cooked. Add gelling sugar and cook for a while, according to the time given by the manufacturer on the package. Check if the jam drips smoothly from the spoon – if so, it is ready. Finally, add lemon juice and honey and mix thoroughly. Pour while still hot into clean and sterilized jars. Wipe the walls and necks of the jars well and immediately close the lids tightly. Store in a cool place, and after opening – in the refrigerator.