President of the Chamber makes an effort to approve the government’s economic priorities; rest of the package is for 4th
The President of the Chamber of Deputies, (PP-AL), said this Tuesday (Dec 17, 2024) that the PLP (Complementary Law Project) the main text of the tax reform regulations, and one of the spending cut projects will be voted on in the next few hours.
The congressman stated that the PEC (Proposed Amendment to the Constitution) and the PL (Bill), which are part of the expenditure review, will be analyzed on Wednesday (Dec 18).
“We are going to vote on the tax bill, we are going to vote on the law that deals with multinationals, the tourism project and PLP 210 (from the tax package)”declared the deputy from Alagoas to journalists in the Chamber.
Of PLP mentioned by Lira, proposes new guidelines for granting tax benefits, expanding parliamentary amendments and controlling personnel expenses. The project is part of the package sent by the Ministry of Finance to reduce government expenses and contribute to the balance of public accounts.
The votes on the LDO (Budget Guidelines Law) and the LOA (Annual Budget Law), which will dictate the execution of the federal Budget in 2025, must be held on Thursday (Dec 19). The main issue is that deputies and senators linked the approval of the Budget to the evolution of the fiscal package. And the evolution of these rules is linked to the release of money from more amendments to the Budget.
Approved by the Senate on Thursday (Dec 12), the main text of the tax reform regulation was scheduled to be voted on in the Chamber on Monday (Dec 16).
The president of the Chamber postponed the vote at the last minute to ensure the presence of more deputies. Lira wants to leave as one of her legacies the approval of a reform that has been discussed for more than 30 years in Congress.
The text deals with the unification of taxes to create the IBS (Tax on Goods and Services) and the CBS (Contribution on Goods and Services), which will make up the dual VAT (Value Added Tax).