Consortia expect to maintain growth of 8% in 2025, says association

by Andrea

The consortium system had its highest sales volume in 2024, with quotas increasing 8% compared to 2023, and a similar increase is expected for 2025, according to a survey by the Brazilian Association of Consortium Administrators (Abac), released this Friday (20) .

The number of quotas contracted until November was 4.17 million, an increase of 7.8% compared to the 3.87 million in 2023, showed the entity, which already predicted an increase of between 6% and 8%.

The sum of business carried out from January to November, based on the quotas sold, reached R$354.13 billion, 20.6% above the R$293.62 billion a year ago.

The volume of subscriptions was based mainly on quotas of light vehicles, followed by motorcycles and scooters; properties and heavy vehicles, according to the association.

According to the executive president of Abac, Roberto Rossi, the estimated closing date for 2024 marks one of the best years in the sport.

“By totaling 425.32 thousand shares sold in the month of November, the second highest mark achieved in twenty years, the Consortium System demonstrated its strength in the financial market”, stated Rossi in a statement from the entity.

But amid rising interest rates and a prospect of lower growth in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the executive states that the next year will be one of “overcoming challenges”.

Even so, the association predicts growth of 8% for the consortium system in 2025, with percentage increases in all segments, led by electronics and other durable movable goods (+23%).

Ademicon, Abac’s associated consortium administrator, expects to grow 26% in business volume in 2025, after surpassing the R$26 billion mark in 2024.

“The situation in Brazil brings a lot of insecurity and the consortium is different from that”, stated the company’s president, Tatiana Reichmann, adding that the modality has no interest, only administration fees and annual updates.

Around 70% of credits sold at Ademicon are for property acquisition, followed by 25% for vehicles and the remainder for services.


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