Boiling and burning of milk are unpleasant elements of cooking that can happen to anyone. The milk burns very quicklyso just a moment of inattention makes it seem like we might have to throw it away because it has a bitter taste and unpleasant smell. However, this can be remedied – a few tricks will eliminate these shortcomings and allow you to use up the milk.
Warm milk is often needed, and not only for cereal. Sometimes it is also used for or . So burnt milk is not uncommon and happens to even the best of us. However, how to save them is not so obvious. This product usually ends up in the sink because we are afraid of its bitter taste and unpleasant smell, but these features can be eliminated. How to do it?
If you notice that the milk has burnt, you need to act quickly – pour them into a clean pot, add a pinch of salt and bring to a boil. This spice will eliminate the bitter aftertaste and the milk will be ready for use. A small amount will not affect the taste, so don’t worry, you can also use it for sweet desserts. This spice is worth having on hand not only when the milk burns, but it is also useful to prevent this from happening.
Adding salt to milk prevents it from boiling over and burningso you can add it preventively the first time – this is especially useful if you are preparing several things in the kitchen. Additionally, salt is a preservative known for centuries, its addition can extend the shelf life of milk.
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Apart from salt, our grandmothers also used other tricks to save burnt milk. Home remedies include, among others: using vanilla sugar. How can you save burnt milk? Proceed in the same way as with salt – pour the milk into a clean pot, add half a teaspoon of vanilla sugar and bring to a boil again.
The last method is to pour the milk into a clean pot and boil it under a damp cloth (preferably cotton). Boiling the milk under such cover should eliminate the bitter taste and smell. Moreover, if we want to minimize the risk of burning, it is worth rinsing the pot with cold water.