New TCU president wants offensive against government subsidies; electrical sector is on target

by Andrea
New TCU president wants offensive against government subsidies; electrical sector is on target

The new president of , comes to office ready to launch an offensive to limit the “ineffective subsidies” granted by the federal government. The minister was rapporteur for the government’s 2023 accounts and made a critical vote on these tax waivers. In an interview with Estadão Columnhe states that the electricity sector is one of those that receives the most benefits that end up generating burdens for Brazilian consumers. The TCU has already established a deadline of 180 days for the Ministry of Mines and Energy to present an action plan to review these values.

“These waivers are not proportional to Brazil’s gains in terms of jobs generated. And the resignations are to eternity. When it comes up for renewal, Congress doesn’t want it to end. When it’s over, that beneficiary takes the documents and leaves Brazil. I think that any democratic rule of law has to encourage certain means of development, but a lot of things are not necessary and stay there”, he criticized. “The risk always falls into a more expensive bill for the user”, he added, in reference to the electricity sector.

Vital do Rêgo also promises to deliver a panel to monitor the execution of parliamentary amendments, after the impasse between the three Powers that led to the sanction of new rules for the use of resources by deputies and senators. The new president of the TCU also criticized the unfinished works in the country, most of them in the areas of Health and Education.

“All of our work will be focused on what TCU can do to improve people’s lives. For example, today we have half of the works in Brazil unfinished, and 70% are in the area of ​​health and education. So, if you impose situations in which these works can be recovered quickly, the biggest beneficiary will be the Brazilian citizen”, he assessed.

Vital said that the Court of Auditors signed an agreement with the Brazilian Social Observatory to train volunteers to monitor the works carried out with parliamentary amendments. “I think it’s a great idea for Congress, because every deputy wants his fellow countryman to know that he was the author of that amendment”, he bet.

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