Exchange flow in December until the 20th is negative at US$ 18.4 billion, says BC

by Andrea

According to preliminary data, in October there was a net inflow of US$ 2.790 billion, but in November the result was negative at US$ 1.157 billion

Giorgio Trovato/unsplash
In the period presented this Thursday, the financial channel recorded a net outflow of US$ 18.206 billion

After the record outflow of resources in December until the 19th, Brazil registered a negative exchange rate flow of US$ 18.427 billion, in the month until one day later (20), according to preliminary data released this Thursday (26), by . The data up to the 19th had been released together with the external sector note and now the BC has published the routine weekly result. In October, there was a net inflow of US$2.790 billion, but in November the result was negative at US$1.157 billion, according to preliminary data. With the entry into force of the new exchange law, smaller transactions have until the 5th of the following month to be reported to the BC and, therefore, the final monthly statistics of exchange flow are published in the third week of the following month.

In the period presented this Thursday, the financial channel recorded a net outflow of US$ 18.206 billion. This is the result of purchases worth US$47.349 billion and sales totaling US$65.556 billion. The segment brings together direct and portfolio foreign investments, profit remittances and interest payments, among other operations. In foreign trade, the month’s balance was negative at US$221 million, with imports of US$15.647 billion and exports of US$15.426 billion. Exports include US$ 1.717 billion in Advances on Foreign Exchange Contracts (ACC), US$ 3.698 billion in Advance Payments (PA) and US$ 10.010 billion in other inflows.

*With information from Estadão Conteúdo
Published by Matheus Lopes


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