This is how many calories you can burn during an hour’s walk. Will you give up the cheesecake and poppy seed cake?

by Andrea
This is how many calories you can burn during an hour's walk. Will you give up the cheesecake and poppy seed cake?

Walking is one of the underrated physical activities. If we want to burn calories and take care of our health, we should use this simple and pleasant training more often. Especially since we can burn quite a lot of calories during an hour of such activity. We explain what it depends on and why it is worth walking regularly, also during the holidays.

Walking is one of the simplest physical activities. We do not need any equipment to perform it. In addition, we can walk at any time of the year, even while walking the dog or on the way to work. What’s more, this is an activity dedicated to every age group, because walking is a good way to exercise for both children, adults and seniors.

If we want to turn it into training, we must do it more consciously. How many calories we burn while walking depends largely on the time and pace of walking. The variety of the terrain and whether there are hills on it also have an impact.

During a walk at an average pace lasting about an hour, we can burn from 160 to 440 kcal.. Of course, the most effective will be to increase the intensity of walking, because then our body uses more energy and therefore burns much more calories.

According to research, fast walking will help us burn up to 50%. more calories than a traditional, slow walk. Thanks to this, it can increase the effectiveness of our activity, without introducing tiring and intense training.

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Walking is not only a good way to burn calories. It is a physical activity that also provides a number of other health benefits for our body. The advantages of this type of training include:

  • Relieving joint pain – walking can reduce the pain associated with arthritis. Moreover, walking about 8 km a week significantly reduces the risk of this disease.
  • Improvement digestion – what is also important for us after Christmas feasting is the fact that walking has a positive effect on intestinal function. Thanks to walking, we will not feel so heavy and will also reduce blood sugar levels.
  • Strengthening immunity – studies show that walking even 20 minutes a day can improve our health. The results of an experiment conducted by Harvard Medical School show that walking people participating in this study took 43 percent less fewer days off from work due to colds or other illnesses.

Apart from that, of course walking oxygenates the brain and reduces excessive fat tissue, thus slimming the figure. Additionally, it supports the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Therefore, it is worth getting up from the table or the couch for a while during the holidays and go for a health-promoting walk with your family.

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