action that requested suspension of early dividends is extinguished

by Andrea

The Estadão Conteúdo report, republished by InfoMoney at 7:16 am this Friday (27), incorrectly reported that Petrobras had received a corporate demand regarding the suspension of dividends for the year 2022. The correct thing is that Petrobras reported that the action on this topic was terminated. The corrected note follows:

Petrobras reported, last night, that the request to withdraw the public civil action regarding the suspension of dividends for the year 2022 was approved. The decision extinguished the process without resolving the merits, under the terms of item VIII of article 485 of the CPC.

The company recalls that the preliminary request to suspend the distribution of advance dividends in 2022 or, alternatively, to condition it to the minimum of 25% provided for in Petrobras’ Bylaws, is for 2022.

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