If you have cash at home, you should avoid hiding money in certain places. This is because these hiding places are very popular with people, so thieves usually check them first. Be smart and never put your savings there again so you don’t lose them.

Don’t let your guard down at the end of the year. During this period, you should be especially wary of thieves (and not only in front of those from the popular Christmas movie about Kevin, who, thanks to an unfortunate coincidence, was left home alone for Christmas).

Criminals often move around apartment buildings, blocks of flats and family houses in December, hoping for easy loot, as many Slovaks leave their residences. So whether you’re going away to visit family, friends or on an exotic vacation, make sure your belongings are properly secured and don’t hide cash in plain sight.

These cash boxes are the most popular. Thieves check them first

A home money box should be well thought out. Hiding cash in a sock in an underwear drawer or in a piggy bank (more or less traditional) is not the best idea. Unfortunately, the truth is that the more popular a location you choose, the more likely you are to become a victim of a thief.

Where do people keep money at home besides the places mentioned above? In recent years, there has been an uproar about shelters in home libraries, e.g. in a hollowed-out book hidden among other book objects.

Thieves are aware of this. As well as the fact that older people often stash cash in their desk drawer, under their bed, pillow or mattress. Hiding money behind mirrors, family portraits or in a laundry basket is a little less obvious, but these places are also sometimes checked.

Where to store money at home? You have several options to choose from

The best option is to keep your savings in a bank account. But you have to admit that a bathroom or kitchen still seems safer than a bedroom, living room or hallway.

So if you have to (or want to) hide some money in your apartment, consider storing it in a dry food container, such as a coffee can (preferably partially filled).

However, the best hiding place for money in an apartment is a money safe. It doesn’t have to be big. The most important thing is that it fulfills its function (to store jewelry, money or other valuables) and was not placed in plain sight, but in a more remote place, e.g. in the floor or in the wall behind a heavy chest of drawers.

Where to keep money at home? Certainly not in the underwear drawer. There are much better hiding places