How to exterminate bed bugs using a home remedy? If you spot them, act quickly. Otherwise, getting rid of them will be really difficult and you probably won’t be able to do without the help of a professional. But before you call a professional, try a few proven tricks.

Bed bugs they are an extremely persistent and above all unpleasant and dangerous health problem. Although the prevailing opinion is that they nest in messy places, the truth is different and in fact they can happen to anyone. They look for a warm place with constant access to food, which is why they are often found in and around beds and mattresses. How to get rid of them before they take over the apartment for good?

How do you know if you have bed bugs in your home? 4 signals

  • Adult specimens reach the size of an apple pit and have a dirty red color.
  • Since they are flat, they fit into every crevice and small space.
  • They feed on the blood of humans and animals, so there is a risk that they can transmit dangerous diseases. They come out for food at night.

Since it’s easy to initially miss the signs that they’ve taken over your home, it pays to know what signals they’re there. Early recognition increases the chances of successfully exterminating the pest without resorting to chemical preparations.

What should you watch out for?

  • Bites that appear after a night’s sleep, usually several or a dozen in one place.
  • Odor, ie a characteristic sweet smell.
  • Tiny blood stains on the bed.
  • Miniature black spots or their droppings.

TIP! If you’re going to a hotel or rented accommodation, do a simple test to make sure you don’t come back bitten. Simply place a hot iron on the bed mattress and wait a while. Bed bugs are extremely sensitive to heat, so if they sense it, they will immediately run away, making it easier for you to spot them. Also check the bed frame, upholstery, bedside tables and wallpaper thoroughly, but without the help of an iron.

Can you get rid of the label yourself? Start with this

Whether you only suspect or are already certain that you are coming into contact with bed bugs, remember that time is of the essence.

  • Females lay up to 10 eggs per day, from which larvae hatch after 10 days.

Therefore, there is no need to wait until the infestation starts in earnest. Where to start?

  • In the places where they appeared, sprinkle diatomaceous earth.
  • Do not skip the bed area.

Although it is safe for people and animals, it has no mercy for bedbugs and deals with them effectively.

  • Wash bed linen at high temperature.
  • Vacuum the mattress and bed frame thoroughly and then steam treat them. Finally, rub baking soda into the fabric.

If the mentioned methods fail, do not hesitate to contact an expert, who will help you with the problem using chemical solutions.

How to check if there are no bed bugs in your home? Where they hide most often, how to get rid of them effectively