Santo André Hospital, Leiria
After Lezíria, the boards of directors of the ULS in the Leiria and Alto Alentejo Region were also dismissed. The Government has already recorded almost a dozen layoffs from hospital administrations since April.
Two days, three dismissals. After it became public on Friday that the Government dismissed the Board of Directors of the Local Health Unit (ULS), this Saturday confirmation of the dismissals in the Alto Alentejo and Leiria.
It was already known that, on Friday, the Government met, in Lisbon, with directors of boards of directors. But it was not known that they were to be fired.
The resignation of the board of directors of ULS do Alto Alentejo was reported, on Friday, by SIC Noticias, which said that president Joaquim Araújo will be replaced by Miguel Lopes, general secretary of the Portuguese Association of Hospital Administrators.
But it was the mayor of Portalegre, Fermelinda Carvalho, this Saturday who confirmed to Lusa that the dismissal of the board of directors of ULS do Alto Alentejo had already been carried out.
“It has already taken place [e] will even have practical effects in the early days of the [próximo] year. A note has already been given to the previous board of directors that will be removed and a new board of directors has already been appointed,” he said.
The mayor said she was informed, on Friday, that the current board of directors of ULS do Alto Alentejo “would be removed” and that a new board of directors would be “appointed, chaired by Miguel Lopescurrent general secretary of the Portuguese Association of Hospital Administrators”.
During Saturday afternoon, it was also known that the board of directors of ULS in the Leiria Region, chaired by Licínio de Carvalho, was dismissed by the Ministry of Health.
The new Board of Directors, whose names have not been disclosed, is ready to start next week.
The Executive Directorate of the National Health Service announced that it “has made changes to some ULS management boards in accordance with new strategies and management approaches”.
The wave of hospital administrations, led by the AD Government, continues. They are already nine since April.
In a note sent to Antena 1, the executive management of the National Health Service, led by Antonio Gandra D’Almeida mentions that these layoffs are explained by “new strategies and management approaches”.
Speaking to the Público newspaper, the president of the board of directors, Tatiana Silvestre, said that asked minister Ana Paula Martins for explanations and Antonio Gandra d’Almeida.
However, “no reason was given. Basically they said they wanted management with a different profile.”
The administration had asked for the reasons for this dismissal to be clarified, as the unit presented “good resultswhether in terms of accessibility and integration of healthcare, or from a financial point of view”.