How to make your home smell like Christmas? It doesn’t take much to be effective and natural. I use this trick every year. Scented candles, sticks and air fresheners will quickly become a thing of the past.

Many of us associate Christmas with a special atmosphere. In order to feel this atmosphere better, we can introduce not only stylish accessories, but also scents into our rooms.

Our senses can be pampered by delicious spicy scents, which will float from morning to evening. The most characteristic aromas include: cinnamon, cloves, baked apples, oranges, anise, pine. You can easily make one of them at home.

How to quickly dry orange slices? A clever way to make your home smell nice for the holidays

Dried orange slices and peels are great to use in holiday products and recipes. Although dried oranges are available in stores, they are very easy to make at home. Not only is it cheaper, but it also gives your home a nice, citrusy scent.

  • To make dried orange slices, simply cut the fruit into even slices. Ideally about 5-10mm thick, then spread them out on top of the radiator. Just don’t forget to turn them occasionally.

How to make your home smell like Christmas? Practical decoration

There is another way to bring the scents of Christmas into your home without using any chemicals. Oranges will work in this case too. However, there is no need to cut them. This method consists in occupying them with cloves and interweaving them with a thin string, which creates a beautiful mosaic. You can also use this method with lemons or grapefruits.

  1. Insert the cloves into the citrus fruits in a arrow, diamond or other shape and spread them evenly.
  2. Wrap the string around each clove head to create the desired shape. Some designs may require you to tie the string after a few shapes and then re-tie it to the next peg.
  3. Continue wrapping the strings around the nails until you reach the starting point.
  4. Enjoy the citrus scent mixed with the spicy touch of spices in your home.

Just three ingredients! That’s all you need to make your home smell like never before. And for just a few pennies