In the second year of government, the president had more space on the agenda for PT members and those who work at the Palácio do Planalto, while allied parties remained in the background
The president implemented a significant 89% reduction in official commitments with its ministers in 2024, compared to the previous year. Public data was collected by GLOBO. This change reflects a new approach to government management, where only four ministers managed to maintain the same frequency of meetings. Environment Minister Marina Silva was a notable exception, increasing her meetings from six to 14 in response to emerging crises in her portfolio.
In addition to the Minister of Communications, Juscelino Filho, also registered an increase in the number of meetings. Among the issues discussed, one of the most relevant was the indictment of the minister by the Federal Police, which generated a series of meetings to address the issue. The government’s Social Communication Secretariat explained that the increase in meetings in 2023 was part of an effort to rebuild public policies that had been harmed. This justification suggests that, despite the reduction in 2024, the government is still looking for ways to maintain effectiveness in policy management, even with fewer formal meetings.
With regard to the frequency of meetings, the Minister of Education, Camilo Santana, stood out by holding 15 meetings and receiving positive evaluations. Ministers who are closest to Lula, such as Rui Costa, Fernando Haddad, Alexandre Padilha, Paulo Pimenta, Mauro Vieira, Ricardo Lewandowski, Camilo Santana, Marina Silva, Esther Dweck, José Múcio, Márcio Macêdo, Luiz Marinho, Nísia Trindade and Jorge Messias were the most received, with between 8 and 55 entries on the official agenda. On the other hand, those nominated by Centrão faced a different reality, with some registering only one or three meetings throughout the year.
*Report produced with the help of AI
Posted by Victor Oliveira