The text also allows the use of R$4 billion from the FGO (Operations Guarantee Fund) for the Pé-de-Meia program
The President of the Republic, (PT), sanctioned on Thursday (Dec 26, 2024) the Law which makes the resources of the (National Support Program for Micro and Small Businesses).
The same text also allows the use of R$4 billion from the FGO (Operations Guarantee Fund) for theprogram which aims to encourage economically vulnerable students to stay and complete high school.
The new law expands the use of FGO in Pronampe for an indefinite period. The fund serves as a guarantee for banks, covering the loan amount if the small business owner is unable to pay, which facilitates the approval of financing.
The text, originated by PL approved at the beginning of December by the Senate, was initially proposed by the senators from the Santa Catarina bench, with a report from the senator (PP-SE).
The rule establishes that 50% of unused FGO (Operations Guarantee Fund) resources must be used as collateral for loans in Pronampe.
The rest of the resources can be used in the Pé-de-Meia program, which currently does not have a budget for the necessary transfers. With this change, FGO surpluses will no longer be used to pay public debt.