How to get rid of bacteria from a cutting board? It is found in almost every household, but few people know how to clean the surface to prevent the growth of microorganisms. Fortunately, there is an easy way to do this.

Many people use this product every day, well not everyone knows that there should be at least three cutting boards at home. One for working with meatthe second for fruits, vegetables and dairy products and the third for bread.

Despite how many there are, regular cleaning is very important. AHow to wash cutting boards to remove bacteria?

How to disinfect a cutting board? Home remedies will work perfectly

A cutting board can quickly become a breeding ground for bacteria, so it is extremely important to wash it after each use and clean it regularly. It is worth giving it a good scrub at least once a week to kill microorganisms. A homemade mixture will come in handy for this purpose.

  • Put a teaspoon of salt, citric acid and baking soda in a bowl, then add a little water to make a paste.
  • Apply the mixture to the surface, spread with a sponge on the dishes and leave for five minutes. After this time, wash the mixture and wipe the board dry.

Another way is to prepare a solution of water and vinegar.

  • Mix vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio, e.g. half a glass of water to half a glass of vinegar and pour it on the plate.
  • Wait a while and rinse under running water, and this way you can easily get rid of bacteria once or twice.

Which cutting board is the best? There are many to choose from, but one of them is very harmful

Wooden, plastic or glass – which plate is best?

  • Glass plate will work well because it does not collect moisture and does not support the growth of bacteria. However, it has a disadvantage because sometimes dulls knives.
  • You can also choose a wooden boardu, but remember that this type of board is prone to “cuts” where bacteria can accumulate.
  • The worst choice will be a plastic board. Dr. Syeed Md. Iskander from North Dakota State University proved that such a board produces 50 grams of polypropylene microplastics annually, which after being absorbed into the body can cause health problems such as oxidative stress, developmental disorders or fertility problems.

Roll up the aluminum foil and drop it into the boiling water. This simple trick is indispensable before Christmas