Every week you pick up a duster and try to get rid of the constantly accumulating dust. But what if there were helpers who would help you with this endless cleaning? Unobtrusive indoor plants that decorate your interior and reduce the amount of dust around you. Exactly such exist.
Dust settles on every surface, and no matter how hard you clean it, it keeps coming back. This is due to the fact that it consists not only of particles from the outside, but also tiny flakes of skin, fibers from textiles and other microscopic impurities. Indoor plants can unexpectedly help you in this fight.
The leaves of some species act as a natural filter. It catches the dust even before it hits your furniture. In addition, they create a more humid environment, which reduces dust swirling in the air and makes cleaning easier for you.
Watch Quartz’s YT video – NASA study explains how plants clean the air
Source: Youtube
Mother-in-law’s language
One of the hardiest indoor plants that will forgive you almost anything. Whether you forget to water or place it in a darker corner, mother-in-law’s tongue will still thrive. What is unique about this plant is its ability to absorb harmful substances such as formaldehyde and benzene, while helping to reduce the amount of dust. Its surface captures particles that would otherwise fly in the air, and thanks to this, the overall quality of the environment improves.
Lopatkovec is a great partner for a cleaner and more pleasant home. It not only rids the air of pollutants such as ammonia or acetone, but also humidifies it. Thanks to this, the dust swirls less and settles more easily, so you have less work to do with cleaning. In addition, the scapula is undemanding. Just water it occasionally to keep the soil moist and place it where it gets some light.
A vegetable
Greens may not look special at first glance, but they are a true master at improving the air. NASA named it one of the best plants to deal with pollutants like carbon monoxide. Its long leaves can capture dust and thus keep the air in the room cleaner. It doesn’t need special care, it tolerates occasional forgetting to water and adapts to almost any environment.
To get the most out of these plants, place them where the dust most often settles. For example, near windows, televisions or shelves. Don’t forget to wipe their leaves regularly so that they can continue to clean the air effectively.
Source: co2meter.com