The case of the boy Matheus de Lima Nery, just 8 years old, who was found dead, floating in the Acre River, shocked the population. The child disappeared on Friday (27) and was only found on Saturday (28), near the Eldorado neighborhood, in the municipality of Brasiléia.
The case shocked the population/Photo: Reproduction
Matheus, who was grade 1 autistic, was playing in his backyard at 4pm, while his mother was bathing her youngest son. After this, he disappeared and was never seen again. Firefighters were called at around 5:30 p.m. Announcements had already spread across social media.
The military searched until around 8pm, but were unable to locate the body. It was only on Saturday morning, when the team returned to the location, that one of the family members who was accompanying the search spotted the boy.
“The child was not taking a bath. She was in the yard playing [porque] the house is close to the river, and so her mother didn’t see her when she left. The river was very full yesterday, and then [ele] entered the water without the family seeing. The child was autistic, to a very high degree, and when they realized that they couldn’t find anything else, they started searching”, informed the sub-lieutenant of the 5th Battalion of the Fire Department, Adacir Vivan, to g1.
The boy’s body was found by a family member. Photo: ContilNet
On Saturday, the stretch of the Acre River in Brasiléia reached 9.69 meters.
“The river was falling very quickly and we couldn’t see the marks where it entered the water. Firefighters went to the scene yesterday [27] at around 5:40 pm, they realized that the child had disappeared at around 4 pm, and then they searched nearby, but they didn’t find it, and today the search for water was resumed, and when the firefighters arrived at the scene, due to the The boat’s own wave, perhaps caused the body to appear, which was in the small branches, in the very place where it entered the water, at the bottom of the family’s residence”, he added.
The boy’s birthday was last December 12th.