The deadline for payment of the issuance of the Federal Revenue Collection Document (May), from the Simples Nacional Collection Document (THE) and the Social Security Guide (GPS) ends this Monday (30).
Due to the New Year, this is the last day for public service at branches and for carrying out banking operations. Documents issued on December 31st will have their due dates transferred to 2025, potentially generating fines and irregularities for taxpayers.
In addition to collections, other tax obligations such as taxes, Social Security contributions and Simples Nacional and individual microentrepreneur (MEI) guides, debts negotiated with the Federal Revenue Service and the Attorney General’s Office of the National Treasury (PGFN) are also due today.
According to the Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban), on December 31st and January 1st, banks will be closed to the public and, therefore, there is no bank compensation.
At PGFN agencies, there will be reduced opening hours this Tuesday (31). To do this, the query can be made via the customer service channels.
On the next business day, January 2nd, banks and Revenue and PGFN agencies will operate normally for in-person service where there is no municipal holiday.