This is what a law approved by the Jordão City Council and sanctioned by Mayor Naudo Ribeiro (PP), this Monday (30), says. Law No. 21 provides for the granting of an allowance to basic education professionals in the municipal education network, called “Abono-Fundeb” and will be paid on a provisional and exceptional basis, with the aim of complying with the minimum application of 70% of the resources from the Basic Education Maintenance and Development Fund (Fundeb), as determined by the Federal Constitution. The value is quoted at R$13 thousand for each server.
Law was sanctioned by Mayor Naudo Ribeiro/Photo: Jardy Lopes
The allowance will be allocated to: teachers; professionals providing direct pedagogical support to teaching, such as principals, school administrators, planners, inspectors, supervisors, educational advisors and pedagogical coordinators and technical, administrative or operational support professionals who are effectively working in the municipal education network.
The amount to be paid will be calculated based on the remaining 70% of Fundeb’s resources, available until the end of the 2024 financial year, and will be paid in a single installment until December 30, 2024.
The law also establishes that only professionals working effectively in municipal schools will be entitled to the bonus and the benefit will not be paid to employees assigned to other bodies, except when there is a burden on the municipality.
The payment of this bonus will not be incorporated into the salary or allowance for future purposes and will also be exempt from social security or medical assistance deductions.
Expenses related to the Abono-Fundeb will be covered by specific appropriations from the 2024 budget. The Executive is authorized to open additional credits up to the limit of 70% of the resources available in the Fundeb account for the current year, in accordance with the legislation.