The Alice robot —named for Tender, Contract and Public Notice Analyzer— helped federal agencies save R$257.3 million in bidding processes, according to a survey by the (Comptroller General of the Union).
The tool, which uses artificial intelligence, reads contracting documents and bidding notices in the electronic system and in the structures of Banco do Brasil and Caixa Econômica Federal. The analysis is also applied in the bidding phases of selecting the supplier and in contract management.
In 2024, the robot analyzed 118,069 purchasing processes, 19,904 from federal agencies supervised by the CGU and 98,165 processes from uninspected units.
According to the data, 206 audits, with purchase values totaling R$25.57 billion, were initiated preventively. It is from this total that savings of R$ 257.25 million in tenders come.
The tool has risk alerts that are triggered when Alice detects an incorrect price search indicating very high values. It was through this device that auditors evaluated the notice from the Brazilian Institute of Museums that provided for the purchase of half-liter bottles of mineral water for a reference value of R$147.65.
Another example was the reduction of around R$100 million in the reference value in a notice for contracting engineering services for work on BR-158.
In 2024, a total of 126 entities were registered to receive alerts from the robot, 32 federal agencies, 33 at the state and district level and 61 municipal units.
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