Miguel A. Lopes / Lusa
National concentration/plenary of teachers, convened by Fenprof
The problem is the discounts. Feeling deceived by the government, teachers took sick leave because they were tired and unmotivated.
New travel support for teachers working away from their place of residence was granted for the first time this month. For several teachers, says , the support was not only not reflected in their monthly income, but, in some cases, it even ended. harm whoever received it.
This is because, as some teachers showed in several pay slipsthe discount for INSS and IR was applied.
The spokesperson for the Public School Mission (MEP), Cristina Motasays that teachers feel they have been “deceived”. “We have many reports from colleagues who saw their salary decrease in relation to previous months and others in which, despite not having decreased, the support was taxed, which does not make sense”.
A solutionaccording to the spokesperson for the teachers’ movement, support would be provided “similar to what happens with meal vouchers or what happens in the private sector with daily allowances” — that is, be exempt from discounts.
Cristina Mota also guarantees that there were several teachers, feeling deceived by the Government, presented sick leave because they feel tired and unmotivated by the distance.
He also criticizes the fact that there are schools that are not on the list defined by the Government, and whose teachers, even if they are many kilometers away from home, do not receive support. “We defend that the subsidy be extended to all teachers who are 70 or more kilometers from your area of residence“, it says.
He also argues that “only distance should be a criterion. It is a injustice for teachers who, being far away, do not have the same rights because they are teaching in schools that are not part of the list defined by the Government”.
He reports another concern from teachers: “Many schools are assigning extra hours when they are short of teachers, which prevents the establishment from being included in the list of schools with a shortage of teachers”.
He says that this measure “will cause problems, as a school that is now marked next year may no longer be and, thus, the teachers who competed counting on the support will no longer benefit from it”.