The Northeast Consortium, formed by the nine governors of the region, released a note this Sunday (29) in defense of the
The demonstration by Northeastern managers, aligned with the Lula government, contrasts with a consortium of governors from the South and Southeast, who are mostly in opposition.
“The guidance in our security forces is clear: the use of lethal force must be reserved as a last resort, exclusively in situations of self-defense, to protect lives — whether of professionals or third parties”, says the note, signed by Fátima Bezerra (PT-RN), president of the entity.
Also subscribing to the text are Paulo Dantas (MDB-AL), Jerônimo Rodrigues (PT-BA), Elmano de Freitas (PT-CE), Carlos Brandão (PSB-MA), Rafael Fonteles (PT-PI), Raquel Lyra (PSDB- PE), João Azevedo (PSB-PB) and Fábio Mitidieri (PSD-SE).
According to the governors, their police directives “are fully aligned with the federal government’s decree, which reinforces international principles on the differentiated use of force, adopted by the most advanced police organizations around the world.”
They also refute one of the main accusations made by Cosud against the decree, that it interferes with the autonomy of states in the area of security.
“It is important to highlight that the decree does not alter the autonomy of the states nor the regulations already established. On the contrary, it reaffirms the centrality of prudence, balance and common sense in the exercise of police activity”, says the manifesto.
The decree was released on December 24 by the Minister of Justice, Ricardo Lewandowski, to try to contain the
The governors of the South and Southeast criticized the measure, saying that it favors organized crime, which is rejected by their Northeastern colleagues.
According to them, the decree “underlines the need for constant modernization of performance techniques, promoting greater safety for both professionals and society, always with the preservation of life as an absolute priority.”
Read the full note from the Northeast Consortium
The governors of the Northeast states reaffirm their commitment to the continuous improvement of public security, based on professionalism, transparency and society’s trust.
The police and fire forces operating in the region have been strengthened through investments in training, continuous training and modernization of their operational practices.
The guidance in our security forces is clear: the use of lethal force must be reserved as a last resort, exclusively in situations of self-defense, to protect lives — whether of professionals or third parties.
This guideline, already consolidated in the practice of our corporations, is fully aligned with the federal government’s decree, which reinforces international principles on the differentiated use of force, adopted by the most advanced police organizations around the world.
It is important to highlight that decree 12,432/2024 does not change the autonomy of states or the regulations already established. On the contrary, it reaffirms the centrality of prudence, balance and common sense in the exercise of police activity.
Furthermore, it highlights the need for constant modernization of performance techniques, promoting greater safety for both professionals and society, always with the preservation of life as an absolute priority.
Advances also include strategic investments in intelligence, technology and the use of instruments with less offensive potential, which increase the efficiency of operations, minimize side effects and strengthen the population’s confidence.
Additionally, initiatives such as Escuta SUSP, in partnership with the federal government, have guaranteed psychological support to security agents, recognizing the challenges faced in combating organized crime and valuing their physical and emotional integrity.
Finally, we reiterate that all deaths resulting from clashes with public security agents are rigorously investigated, ensuring transparency and justice. Both in cases of self-defense and in actions considered illegal, the professionals involved are subjected to careful investigations and held accountable in accordance with the law.
The Northeast Consortium reaffirms that there is no harm to the autonomy of the states. We remain fully committed to a more modern, efficient and humane public security policy, where the protection of life is the central axis of all our actions.
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