A poinsettia is a beautiful living decoration, but it doesn’t last long in many homes. Can you water it properly?
Where did the poinsettia come from?
The poinsettia, also known as the poinsettia, has an interesting history, which is also associated with the name of the American ambassador to Mexico, Joel Poinsett. It was he who came across the beautiful red-green flower here, and thanks to him it reached the USA and then other countries around the world.
Its striking colors and star shape are suitable for Christmas, so soon the poinsettia also began to be presented as a poinsettia or a flower that fills the windows of flower shops every year before the holidays. But the poinsettia doesn’t have to last until Christmas! You can grow it as a houseplant all year round. But there is quite a problem with it.
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Winter beauty poinsettia
Poinsettia belongs to the sedges, which is an extremely wide group of plants that are very different visually and in requirements, and different varieties are found all over the world. Perhaps there is only one thing all pimples have in common, and that is the white latex oozing from the sores, which can irritate sensitive skin.
The originally Mexican poinsettia is a hardy lady who is not used to big temperature changes, but that’s not the only problem. Even if you bring home a plant that is beautiful and above all healthy, in many households the plant will only last a few weeks.
But why? It is for several reasons. One of them is bad watering, but it is also worth mentioning the inappropriate substrate in which the plant is often sold. Check the substrate and, if necessary, also transplant the flower into a light substrate intended for houseplants. This usually does not need to be done right away, but perhaps right after the holidays.
How to water and care for poinsettias?
No matter what the plant is planted in, be careful of a colored ceramic or other pot cover, or a plate or a deep bowl. The cover is the prettier flowerpot in which the plant is not planted directly, but covers an ordinary plastic growing container.
Why is it important to take care of the cap? Of course, it serves as a bowl, but it is not desirable for these plants to stand in water. It can be confusing that it needs to be watered quite often, but only very decently. Light watering can be replaced by placing the plant in a container of room temperature water for 5 minutes. Then let the flower pot drain properly and return it to the cover without any excess water. Cultivation in self-watering containers has also proven itself.
The watering interval depends on the environment in which the plant is grown. Watering is usually required if the top inch or two of substrate dries out. If the plant is placed in a dry, warm environment, it will not harm it in any way, it just needs to be watered regularly and the excess water drained away.
If you are lucky, you can summer the poinsettia outside during the warmer part of the year, but at the end of the summer it has to go back into the heat. Temperatures between 18 and 22 degrees suit her. It prefers a slightly more humid atmosphere, a sunny location and don’t forget to pay attention to excessive changes in temperature, which are often fatal as well as an excess of water.
Sources: thespruce.com, novinky.cz