Ficus, despite being relatively easy to care for, can be quite dizzyingwhen it begins to constantly lose its leaves. This is a clear signal that means care problems, as well as lack of stable conditions. These are crucial for the healthy growth of the ficus. What exactly is harmful to this and how can it be prevented?
Ficusalso called the fig tree, is a popular potted plant that can attractively decorate many interiors. It is loved for its fanciful appearance, resembling a miniature tree, which, over time, can become truly impressive. Unfortunately, in many cases the joy of having this plant is interrupted constantly falling yellowed leaves.
However, it is worth knowing that this does not happen without a reason, and the most popular one is the lack of stable conditions. Ficus is a plant for which stability is crucial, which is why it reacts even to small changes in its environment, falling into stress, which consequently leads to the loss of leaves.
This includes, among other things, changes in the environment, which even includes… gently moving the pot, but also temperature change Whether humidity level in the room. In addition, the cause may also be inappropriate watering – both excessive and too sparse. Too little light can also be a problem, causing… ficus “trying to survive”so it gets rid of the leaves. This situation often occurs in winter, when access to sunlight is very limited.
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Leaf fall in ficus trees is the result of plant stress. which is often caused by the lack of appropriate conditions for growth. So the key to a healthy ficus and no falling leaves is providing him with stable conditions. What can this mean?
First of all, a permanent position. It is best to find one bright place and avoid moving the plant frequently. Even a slight rearrangement of the pot may cause your ficus to lose its leaves. It is also important in this matter watering, which should be regular to keep the substrate slightly moist. However, do not overdo it with the amount of water, which may lead to rotting of the roots, as well as overdrying, which in turn will dry out the plant.
In addition Ficus should be provided with a constant temperature and air humidity at a similar level. For this purpose, it is worth watering the plant regularly, especially in winter. It is also a good idea to make every effort to ensure that the plant has adequate lighting.
It is also worth taking care of fertilization and protection against pestswhich may be one of the causes of yellowing and falling of ficus leaves. So, if you want to find the reason for this state of affairs in your plant, verify all these factors one by one, and above all provide your ficus with peace and stable conditions.