Jupiter is in Gemini until June 2025. Here’s the news for these three signs. What are the next three zodiac signs worth knowing?
Taurus/Taurus Ascendant
Jupiter is in the Second House of Money. You have made many significant changes in your career, and now is the time to reflect them in your financial situation. It is clear that Jupiter comes with generous opportunities – money, resources and new possibilities – but also with expenses. If your income increases, either through a bonus or a premium, it’s good to save. Although you won’t run out of money, the lack of financial stability can become stressful. An emergency budget is indispensable.
Jupiter’s transit in the second house gives you more confidence and lifestyle improvements compared to last year. However, even if your income increases and you can afford a few purchases, unexpected expenses, such as home repairs, may arise. The next year will be crucial for negotiations. You can ask for a raise, a bonus, or even change jobs for more income. In addition, be careful about the relationship with food. This transit can predispose you to food excesses, especially sweets, which could bring on a few extra pounds.
Leo/Leo Ascendant
With Jupiter in the 11th house, new opportunities arise. Every door that opens can give you a chance to grow, but without excessive expectations. Success is not guaranteed, but requires total commitment and adaptability on your part.
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This transit expands your social circle, connecting you with new groups, different surroundings and people who can influence your course. You become more visible, more popular, and participation in events – whether of friends or family – will be more frequent. Desires related to children may arise, whether you want children of your own, consider adoption, or become more involved in the lives of family members. If you already have children, they will go through moments that will capture your attention.
The 11th house is associated with our aspirations and dreams. Many of your wishes will take shape, but Jupiter in tense aspect with Saturn and Neptune can bring disappointments. Some realized dreams may not give you the expected satisfaction. The 5th house opposition also asks you to reflect on genuine happiness and self-esteem. It’s a subtle lesson: what you’re looking for on the outside may already exist within you. This is a time for deep connection, both with others and with your own essence.
Capricorn/Ascendant in Capricorn
Jupiter’s transit through the sixth house brings an intense period full of work and responsibilities. You will feel a surplus of tasks, both at work and at home, which can bring stress and lack of time for you. However, this stage can also offer opportunities for change, including the chance to change jobs. You may feel that projects are difficult to complete, but persistence will be the key to success.
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The sixth house rules lifestyle, so you will be increasingly concerned with health, balanced nutrition and a regular sleep schedule. This can become a priority for you, even if the necessary adjustments will sometimes seem tiring. Your health will require special attention, especially in the area of prevention and strengthening of immunity. If you have pets, they may be going through a tough time or you may have the opportunity to adopt one if you don’t already have one.
There will be a lot of work and constant transformation. Even if you prefer stability, you will have to embrace change and adapt on the fly. To maintain balance, it’s good to pay attention to your diet, get enough sleep and include exercise in your daily routine. These habits will help you face challenges and keep your energy up.