Mihai Voropchievici knows what is good to do and what is not recommended for a year of abundance and happiness. The year 2025, according to the runes interpreted by Mihai Voropchievici, comes with positive energies, important transformations and chances to build a better future. Each sign has valuable lessons to learn, and the key to success is adaptability.
Mihai Voropchievici, New Year’s Eve superstitions. Do not sleep in the early hours of January 1st. Don’t sleep on New Year’s Eve.
- New Year’s Eve superstitions. We wear something red, we put money in our pockets.
- New Year’s Eve superstitions. Let’s not have grapes on the table, because they symbolize tears, but we must have fish.
- New Year’s Eve superstitions. Let’s have a fir branch on the table, so that we are immortal, forever young.
- New Year’s Eve superstitions. Clink keys or bells to ward off evil spirits and attract money.
- New Year’s Eve superstitions. Let’s write the wishes for 2025 on a sheet and have the sheet with us on New Year’s Eve.