In response to the statement made by representatives from the South and Southeast, nine governors from the Northeast published a manifesto supporting the measure announced by the Minister of Justice, Ricardo Lewandowski, in order to contain the high level of police lethality in Brazil.
Last Monday (29), the governors of the states in the Northeast of Brazil expressed their support for the recent decree from the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, which establishes guidelines for the use of police force in the country. The Nordeste consortium, which brings together the region’s nine governors, published a manifesto in defense of the measure, demonstrating alignment with the federal government. The decree, announced on December 24 by the Minister of Justice, its main objective is to contain the high police lethality in Brazil. On the other hand, governors from the South and Southeast regions expressed criticism of the measure, claiming that it compromises the autonomy of the states.
In the manifesto, the northeastern governors highlight their commitment to public security and argue that the use of lethal force should only be considered as a last resort, reserved for situations of self-defense. They claim that the guidelines of their police forces are already aligned with the decree, which reinforces international principles on the differentiated use of force. The Nordeste consortium emphasizes that the measure does not harm the autonomy of the states and that they are committed to a more modern, efficient and humane public security policy.
On the other hand, the governor of Mato Grosso, Mauro Mendes, expressed his opposition to the decree in an exclusive interview with Jovem Pan, arguing that the focus should be on stricter laws against organized crime. Mendes expressed concern about the growth of criminal factions and violence in Brazil, stating that the solution does not lie in measures such as installing cameras on police officers’ uniforms. According to him, the country needs to combat violence with intelligence and strategy, instead of focusing on regulations that, in his view, do not address the root of the problem. The new standard requires police officers to undergo annual training on the use of force, with an emphasis on minimizing the use of means that could cause injuries or deaths.
*With information from Paulo Edson Fioré
*Report produced with the help of AI