Slovak records 2024: Polar bears, mass whipping or the oldest Santa Claus!

by Andrea

It was first published in 1955 and is the best-selling book in the world after the Bible. However, there is also a book of records in Slovakia, the pages of which are filled and expanded every year. TASR presents a selection of non-traditional records that entered the Book of Slovak Records in 2024.

January 15 – Marta Kušnírová from the village of Lastomír in the Michalovce district has been collecting candles for three decades. It expanded its respectable collection to 1203 pieces, which was an increase of 702 pieces compared to 2021. In his collection, he has wax candles from, for example, Austria, Germany, Egypt, China and the United States of America.

February 5 – As a 13-year-old, Jakub Kopernický from Croatian Grob started collecting crown caps from beer and soft drinks in 2007. Earlier this year, his collection exceeded no 100,000 – more precisely 106,000 caps from 214 countries, of which 62,000 are beer caps. The collection of the collector Jakub Kopernický, who has the nickname the shark of the caps, is one of the largest in the world.

March 27 – The Slovak record was set by the people of Svidní. Theirs the maxikraslica is unique in that it consists of hand-decorated Easter eggsmade by the general public. So it is a joint work of many people created from 1109 Easter eggs.

May 24 – The largest number of drummers playing one piece managed to gather at the drummers’ meeting in Topoľčany. 49 of them came together and played one song together, thus improving their own record from 2022. At that time, there were 31 drummers in the square.

June 13 – At Kráľová studna above the village of Lenartov in the Bardejov district, there is a tourist shelter, which houses a unique collection of books dedicated to the personalities of Slovakia. These are titles from the field of sports, culture and other areas of life. The collection has been created by the members of the Kráľova Studňa Civic Association since 2020 and so far consists of 176 books. Among the most famous personalities who dedicated the book are Milan Lasica, Peter Dvorský, Marika Gombitová, Peter Sagan, Petra Vlhová and many others.

June 15 – In mid-June, the Trusalová recreation area near the town of Turany became the scene of the first edition of the festival of whipping and crafts “300 Thunders”. The climax of the event was the mass clapping of the whip in one place under the baton of the folk producer and father of this idea, Martin Brxa. 112 participants, among them 12 women, took part in the collective clapping of shepherd’s whips. Their task was to clap the whip as intensively as possible with a maximum effort of 15 seconds, and they succeeded.

August 17 – A mega pancake with a diameter of 133 centimeters was cooked at the Topolčian feast. Under the leadership of chef Roman Gejdoš, four liters of almond milk and two kilograms of dehydrated pancake batter and vanilla sugar were used for its production. The most difficult moment of the record was turning the pancake to the other side in a pan with a diameter of 160 centimeters. After making the treat, the feast visitors enjoyed it.

September 13 – Ondrej Sula from the village of Melčice-Lieskové in the district of Trenčín collects the correspondence of participants in the First World War, which also contains period postcards and photographs. He has been dedicated to his hobby for more than 60 years and during this period he has collected over 4600 documents.

November 9 – In the village of Nové Sady near Nitra, they decided to bake record long “meter cake”, which is one of the most popular holiday treats. They set a goal of 20 meters, which they managed to overcome after less than three hours – their “meter cake” had a respectable length of 26 meters and 80 centimeters.

December 5 – Since 1973, Štefan Gerža from Rožňava worked in the service of St. Nicholas. Year after year, along with the lighting of the Christmas tree, since then, it has brought love, joy and goodness to homes at this time. Since this year was his “Santa Claus” last, he got on this occasion as the longest “serving” Mikuláš in Slovakia to the pages of the Book of Slovak Records and received a plaque with a certificate.

December 14 – On Bratislava’s Golden Sands, they set a new Slovak record for the number of hardy people in one place. 604 hardy people dived into the cold water of the lake at once.


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