The best roscones de reyes of the supermarket according to the OCU: the winner, at 20.58 euros per kilo | Gastronomy: recipes, restaurants and drinks

by Andrea

The roscón de Reyes stuffed with cream from El Corte Inglés repeats as the best supermarket in the annual ranking of the . Made with cream and butter and sold for 20.58 euros per kilo – the most expensive of the 15 analyzed – it has obtained the best rating on the list, followed by those from Lidl and Dia.

The study has analyzed roscones from different chains (Ahorramás, Alcampo, Aldi, BM, Carrefour, Dia, El Corte Inglés, Eroski, Hiper Usera, La Despensa, Lidl and Mercadona). The OCU considers that only four can be considered of good quality because the other nine do not reach an acceptable rating.

The best of these roscones would be, in the opinion of the OCU, the Roscón con nata El Obrador from El Corte Inglés, on sale for 17.50 euros/850 grams (20.58 euros/kilo), which obtains an overall rating of 70 points out of 100. In the study it stands out as a well-fermented bun with pearl sugar, soft texture and good pastry smell and for its good-tasting cream and aromas. “balanced”, among other aspects.

Next, the analysis also praises the Roscón con nata La Cestera from Lidl, on sale for 8.99 euros/750 grams (11.99 euros/kilo), which achieves an overall rating of 68 points out of 100 and in its tasting It is presented as a well-fermented bun of good size, with abundant pearl sugar and a soft texture, as well as a good smell of pastries and balanced cream of sweetness. Next comes the El Horno Real de Día roscón con nata, sold for 9.99 euros/900 grams (11.10 euros/kilo), with an overall rating of 66 points out of 100 and which is valued as a well-fermented bun, with soft texture, two layers of filling, good pastry smell, good tasting cream and balanced aromas.

Among the best products would also be the Obrador roscón con nata from Ahorramás, sold for 8.99 euros/800 grams (11.24 euros/kilo), with an overall rating of 64 points out of 100 and which stands out like a well-fermented bun and “somewhat elastic”, with a soft texture and a good smell of pastries, in which citrus fruits, good-tasting cream and balanced aromas “stand out”.

The OCU ranking places those of La Despensa (53 points) and Eroski (50 points) below, and that of the rest of the supermarkets is below 50 points.

When choosing a roscón filled with cream from a supermarket, OCU recommends always checking the label for the absence of vegetable fats such as palm, palm kernel, coconut or rapeseed, “prioritizing” those whose filling is “exclusively” whipped cream and The bun is made with butter, in addition to consuming them “always in moderation”, given that they are products “very rich” in fat (17%) and sugar (another 20%). “Unfortunately, it is common to find all types of colorings, especially in candied fruit, preservatives, emulsifiers and texturing agents, often added in order to withstand the freezing and subsequent thawing to which they have been subjected,” the organization states. , while considering that this treatment would “explain” why the almond is “in many cases soft instead of crunchy.”

According to the OCU, six of the roscones selected for the study—those from BM, Carrefour, Dulcesol Black, El Horno de Aldi, Hacendado and Hiper Usera—replace all or part of the cream in the filling with other fats, in this case cheaper vegetables, such as palm, coconut, rapeseed or palm kernel fat.


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