Spring, summer and early autumn are the best seasons for many types of fruit. However, when it slowly starts to snow outside, we can reach for frozen treats that are not only tasty, but also healthy. Which fruit is worth eating all year round? One of them is very popular and you can easily grow it in your home garden and freeze the excess. We are talking about strawberries, which are among the tastiest and healthiest fruits. Why are they worth eating?

A new four-year study by scientists from the University of California has shown the health benefits of strawberries. They included an analysis of up to 47 clinical studies and 13 observational studies that were published between 2000 and 2023. Based on them, it is proven that these fruits primarily have a positive effect on cardiometabolic health.

Why is it worth eating strawberries?

The mentioned analysis was published in “Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition” According to the collected information, the consumption of strawberries has a positive effect on the overall health of the heart, including blood vessels. These fruits also fromthey improve the functioning of the metabolism.

Eating strawberries can also help regulate sugar and LDL cholesterol levels (so-called bad cholesterol) in the blood, which directly minimizes the occurrence of many heart diseases. There is also fruit good for brain health. Eating these treats it allows delaying the decline of cognitive functions a reduces the risk of developing dementia.

Why are strawberries good for the body?

They are mainly responsible for this flavonoids that help fight against oxidative stressi.e. free radicals, which have a very negative effect on the body. They can damage the structure of DNA and affect various processes taking place in the body, including metabolism or heart activity.

They also contain polyphenols with antioxidant properties, as well as fiberwhich supports the digestive system. They also contain strawberries lots of vitamin C – just one glass of these delicious fruits has a sufficient daily dose of this basic ingredient. Strawberries are therefore worth eating, especially in autumn and winter, when it is easy to catch a cold.

How many strawberries can you eat a day?

Scientists say that it pays to eat one to a maximum of four glasses a day. In addition, these fruits are low in calories. Half a kilogram of strawberries has approximately 150 kcal.

In addition, in winter, fresh fruit can be successfully replaced with frozen or freeze-dried. The important thing is that the healthier foods will be the ones you grow in your home garden or the organic ones.

Those commonly bought in stores should be washed thoroughly before consumption to get rid of pesticide residues. For this purpose it will be useful e.g. vinegar with water.

  • We need to pour about 200 ml of vinegar and 600 ml of water into the bowl (the proportion can be reduced or increased depending on the amount of fruit).
  • Soak the strawberries in this mixture for about 20 minutes.
  • After this time, wash the strawberries in clean water.
@dr.carmenjames Shout out @The Cross Legacy ♬ Seasons – Sam Austins

This exact procedure was also presented on TikTok by the user Dr. Carmen, who manages the @dr.carmenjames account. This method is ideal for extending the freshness of strawberries in the refrigerator.

After bathing in vinegar water and thorough rinsing, the strawberries must be carefully dried. According to Dr. Carmen’s strawberries treated in this way last up to two weeks.

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