The influencer Letícia Cazarré39, used social media this Monday (30), to ask for new prayers for his daughter with the actor Juliano Cazarré44. The little one Maria Guilhermina2, was hospitalized again on Thursday (26) after new health problems.
“Guigui recently suffered a serious illness, guys, let’s intensify our prayers?” asked Letícia, showing a photo of the girl.
In recent days, , who was admitted on Thursday (26). The influencer said at the time that Maria Guilherme had “several infections, the beginning of pneumonia, she has parainfluenza, tracheitis, probably”.
Letícia also explained that her daughter needs respiratory support and has a ventilator at home. However, in more serious cases, ICU support becomes essential and hospitalization is necessary.
Maria Guilhermina was born with , and had to be hospitalized for several months after her birth.
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*With information from Gabriela Maraccini of CNN in São Paulo