Two 16-year-old teenagers were victims of an attempted murder on Monday night (30), inside a residence in Vila Maria, in the Industrial District region, in Rio Branco.
According to police information, the two teenagers are friends and live in different neighborhoods of Rio Branco. On Saturday, one of them invited the other to drink at his father’s house.
For three days, the teenagers stayed there drinking alcohol and confronting members of a faction that runs the neighborhood. They had alleged characteristics of belonging to a rival criminal organization to the one that dominates the area.
Victim being rescued/Photo: ContilNet
In the early evening of Monday, an unidentified man, armed with a shotgun, broke into the residence and shot the two teenagers. The pellets hit the chest, left arm and hip of one of them. The other had the finger on his left hand torn apart by the impact of the shot. After the action, the criminal fled.
The father of one of the victims helped the teenagers, placing them inside a silver Gol vehicle and taking them to the emergency room.
An ambulance from the Mobile Emergency Care Service (Samu) intercepted the vehicle near the University Complex roundabout, still on BR-364. After the first care, the teenagers were taken to the emergency room in Rio Branco, where they remained in stable health.
Military police officers from the 1st Battalion collected information to try to locate the perpetrator of the crime, but he has not been found so far.
Civil Police agents, members of the Ready Employment Team (EPE), also carried out the first investigations. The case will be investigated by the Homicide and Personal Protection Police Department (DHPP).
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